Saturday, September 19, 2009


I cannot think of myself as a writer in the traditional sense – oh, and for the record-I don’t speak in the third person. In my opinion, speaking in the third person is stupid and self serving. I’m not a narrator – I’m just a human being being human named Jessica de la Davies. I’m a human who just happens to thrive on writing and directing. Becoming famous is something that I neither want or work for. To be famous in that “Hollywood I’m So Fabulous” way, which in my opinion is leaning toward ego masturbation, has never appealed to my odd sense or sensibilities. I get off on writing – isn’t the getting off part enough? I’ve enjoyed writing and directing for the better part of my short time on The Blue Ball – and I seem to have arrived at a ridiculously soothing rhythmic beat to my writing . I get off on interacting with other humans, so that’s why I’ve chosen this EVIL networking site to connect with as many humans as I possibly can before I disappear forever into my space. MySpace is an incredible tool-it would serve me better if I didn’t abuse Myspace so much. If I was more respectful, I could actually used Myspace it to it’s fullest potential. I’m on facebook too but think it’s secretly run by Big Brother Corporations who are terrified if people with their own ideas (like me) actually reached the masses-hence the facebook 5000 person limit. Nevertheless I am on facebook too-just search my name. I’m off topic now, anyway- I get off on abusing this particular system as a way to spread intriguing ideas, tempting thoughts and authentic feelings to other ridiculous humans in an attempt to achieve Nirvana (okay I’m full of shit here). Writing unusual rambling pieces and interesting stories is always an activity that can often be confused with the dreaded FREE THINKING MIND that Big Brother Corporations fear. How dare we use our own minds to achieve a FREE THINKING world when Big Brother Corporations has our world set up to exploit human drones and utter mindlessness.

I wrote a novel. Its main character is quite unique and my novel should serve to entertain those who actually use book reading to satisfy their minds’ cravings for human authenticity. The novel of quirky ridiculousness is a story about a family that is so real that it couldn’t have really happened-but it did. For the past three months, this novel has been floating through The Publishing Establishment-an agent/publishing house system of: I’m not sure this represents us as an agency (I thought they were looking for something different?); of: Umm, we would like to return your novel to you but it’s temporarily misplaced and other Big Brother Corporation bullshit. I am on the verge of self publishing but something in my mind makes me desire the “credibility” that Big Brother Corporation agents/publishing houses offer. I guess I am thinking like a ridiculous drone and maybe on the verge of actually becoming everything I hate! Maybe I should run for Congress or something? I’m always directing something interesting. I just finished directing The Student CD Project and Cinderella. Next, I have planned an odd reality film that will surely be completely ignored by Big Brother Corporations in the Hollywood establishment, but embraced in the INDY world of film making. I receive a ridiculous amount of mail each day and I’ll try my best to respond to you. I do so get off on communicating with all sorts of odd artistic types, free thinking people I don’t know and just plain social odd balls-like mine. I am in awe that I live in this- the information age-this LIMITED period in our history that has opened doors allowing us to communicate with thousands and thousands of people across the blue ball-communicating what we really think-not what Big Brother tells us to think. I am grateful for this ridiculous time of open communication-I’m sure it won’t last.

Oh, and to those of you who think women shouldn’t speak their minds or believe that woman have to play nice. I say -FUCK limits.

I am not going to limit what I write about because it might make “someone else” uncomfortable-because “someone else” doesn’t have to fucking read it. This is for you. My words aren’t meant to reach the ALL – my intention is to inspire you to think for yourself and feel any reaction you want to feel. Any reaction that my words bring you mean I’ve accomplished something with my meager time on The Blue Ball. Anyway, none of that crap I just mentioned really matters . . . because the bottom line is: WRITING and CREATING ART.

Embrace it and try to understand OR hate it and close your mind . . . it doesn’t matter as long as I know that I have tried to use our limited time during this information age and this Myspace opportunity to talk directly to you-no Big Brother controls.

Oh yeah . . . I am totally full of shit half the time! You can decide for yourself which half is which-as you are not a mindless drone-but you already knew that didn’t you?

Thanks For Playing,



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