Sunday, March 21, 2010

Chiddy Cent.

Surfin’ through MySpace through the Hip Hop charts, trying to find something worthwhile (that’s how I found Snak the Ripper and I’m glad I did). It actually took a bit of time sorting through the trash on the charts, I don’t think they’re quite accurate. Some rapper named ‘Doin Dirt’ is #2 and Jay-z is #22. Anyways, I stumbled upon Chiddy Bang (no relation to 50 as the title would have you believe). I don’t really know what to call their type of music, I guess it’s a mix of Electronic, Indie and Hip Hop. It’s not really music I would go out and look for to add to my personal collection but it caught my eye (and ear) for sure. The first song has a sample from MGMT and is really well done. They’re not huge but they’re getting some recognition for sure as this video has over 500k views on Youtube. I have to give them props for a catchy song with good production and a video that is original and watchable entertaining. I encourage you to watch it in HD if your internet connection can handle it. The second song by them has much less in the way of views (30k) but is also quite good.

Chiddy Bang – Opposite of Adults


Chiddy Bang – All Things Go


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