Surfin’ through MySpace through the Hip Hop charts, trying to find something worthwhile (that’s how I found Snak the Ripper and I’m glad I did). It actually took a bit of time sorting through the trash on the charts, I don’t think they’re quite accurate. Some rapper named ‘Doin Dirt’ is #2 and Jay-z is #22. Anyways, I stumbled upon Chiddy Bang (no relation to 50 as the title would have you believe). I don’t really know what to call their type of music, I guess it’s a mix of Electronic, Indie and Hip Hop. It’s not really music I would go out and look for to add to my personal collection but it caught my eye (and ear) for sure. The first song has a sample from MGMT and is really well done. They’re not huge but they’re getting some recognition for sure as this video has over 500k views on Youtube. I have to give them props for a catchy song with good production and a video that is original and watchable entertaining. I encourage you to watch it in HD if your internet connection can handle it. The second song by them has much less in the way of views (30k) but is also quite good.
“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” Nancy Pelosi, March 2010.
Let’s be clear, this nasty, evil person, with questionable number of Y chromosomes, is the gift that keeps on giving. Of course she irritates those of us that are not cerebellar-flat-liners. We listen to her continued lies, tax the rich, their fare share, we must pass this budget resolution, “500 million new jobs depend upon it”. This person must be relegated to the realm of ‘in-flight-entertainment’. If she ever was taken seriously by anybody other than her own party, that time has long since past. The Botox Babe is finished, stick the ole fork in her, she’s done.
With Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, thank God, Carolyn-Mosley-Brain dead, bit the dust last go around, Barbara Boxer, Mary Landrieu, Debbie Stabenow, Blanch Lincoln, Jeanne Shaheen, Barbara Mikulski, just a few of the usual suspects, Nancy Pelosi outshines them all for being the most vacuous, vapid, and obstreperous.
My guess is there will be a significant number of ’shovel-ready’ jobs digging the plots for both men and women on both the wrong side of the issues of the day. Random thoughts, while waiting for the stench to be driven from congress, J.C.
By Jim Byrd
Canada Freepress
Nancy Pelosi addressed the 2010 Legislative Conference for the National Association of Counties earlier this week. With her vacuous hyperbole, Pelosi confirmed, yet again, that she and Maxine Waters are cerebrally indistinguishable from cork. Being a fervid pursuant of the prodigiously stupid and the intellectually irrelevant, especially in Congress, I was once again surprised that I could be momentarily startled by any maniacal doctrine Pelosi or Waters verbalized.
In one sentence, Pelosi transcended everything that has been written or spoken about the health care reform bill. All the conjectures, suppositions, conclusions, and interpretations could not summarize this bill, Congress, and Barack Obama more poignantly than the following first sentence of this paragraph of Pelosi’s speech:
But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. Furthermore, we believe that health care reform, again I said at the beginning of my remarks, that we sent the three pillars that the President’s economic stabilization and job creation initiatives were education and innovation — innovation begins in the classroom — clean energy and climate, addressing the climate issues in an innovative way to keep us number one and competitive in the world with the new technology, and the third, first among equals I may say, is health care, health insurance reform. Health insurance reform is about jobs. This legislation alone will create 4 million jobs, about 400,000 jobs very soon.
Create 4 million jobs, about 400,000 jobs very soon. This is one of the oldest cons by the Democratic Party. This health care bill will not create one job now, nor in the future. When government pillages an industry of capital through oppressive taxation and regulation, resulting in layoffs or the financial inability to hire labor through a capitalistic eco-system of legitimate supply and demand, then redistribute that capital to another industry with an apocryphal job demand manufactured by the government, the end result is to have only shifted jobs from one sector to another, and by no stretch of the imagination should this be construed as creating jobs. Complete Article
MySpace will host an exclusive live chat with Miley Cyrus and the cast of Touchstone Pictures’ “The Last Song” Click More for all the info.
Saturday, March 13th at 5:00 pm ET/2:00 pm PT on Chat participants also include Liam Hemsworth, Greg Kinnear, Kelly Preston, author Nicholas Sparks, and director Julie Anne Robinson. Viewers will be able to interact via their MySpace, Twitter and Facebook by posting questions for the cast, director and novelist as the chat is happening. Don’t miss it!
A while ago I was in a series of sketches for Comedybox and Channelflip called The Very Real Adventures of Batman & Robin. In them, I played Warren a disturbed stoner who attached himself to Batman & Robin, and… Ah, the plot’s not important.
Yesterday, a German electro ‘musician’ called, as far as I can tell, Waterblip, wrote to Jamie (the director) to let him know that he had used samples from the series in his new songs. Mainly me droning “right after we had sex.”
So, if you’re into minimalist Euro-electro with samples from obscure Web comedy serieses put to squelchy beats ad want to hear something vaguely disturbing, I suggest you go to Waterblip’s MySpace page, and listen to the track called ‘Right After’. Alternatively, you could mash yourself in the ears with a dessert spoon for three minutes and 16 seconds.
You know you’ve hit the big time, when you’re being sampled in techno songs…
(Is it still called ‘techno’? You know, the one with the computers…)
How much time do you spend trying to resolve a conflict by changing the view, opinion or emotional response of the person you’re in the midst of a disagreement with? You both have opinions on a subject that are, in your own opinions right on the money. You both have an angle on the subject that just makes sense, and can’t for the life of you understand why the other just won’t get it. However, one simple change in behavior, one tweak of your response to this situation will dramatically improve your success in resolving conflict and moving forward in a mutually beneficial way.
I’ve learned something over the years that applies to this situation. If you approach these disagreements with the position that you’re right and that’s it, people put their shields up. They dig in for the long haul and aren’t likely to back down. You reciprocate with the same behavior in response to their own defensive posture and it’s a fight until someone breaks. My dad always said, listen calmly to the other person’s opinion with an open mind that you may indeed be incorrect. You might actually be wrong, and sincerely hearing what they say, and taking it into real genuine consideration, open the door for the person you’re speaking with to “lower the shields”. They feel the intent behind your conversation as you really examine their point of view, not just give them a chance to talk. That little change builds a bridge between the two of you towards a solution.
You might actually be correct in your view point. You might not ever really consider the direction they want, much less changing your point of view. But just showing that you’re willing to at least consider is a gesture that is usually well received. You may even, in simply submitting yourself to the idea of being wrong, clear your mind enough to see that you actually are! You may find that there is a better way to proceed that is neither yours nor theirs, but a blend of both that only open conversation between two people engaged in finding a solution together can see will appear.
Give it a try. This isn’t a “tactic” to get your way or manipulate the situation, it’s a simple method to remove everyone’s defenses from the situation and find the best way to resolve a conflict. The best way, the mutual success is what we’re after. It breeds success, builds relationships and moves teams forward.
Please let me know what you think. Leave a comment, or connect with me on Twitter and let’s discuss your thoughts and experiences.
Ladies, please be aware of this board member or handle : “Bravotoosero, Kl505, OnePanther, Panther1, Bravo115, Bravo
I did an out call to his hotel in Los Angles CA. He did not want to render the payment for the services and taken my clothes and threw them into the hallway of the hotel and threaten me he would call the police.
Peep the new video to Nivea’s newest song, “Love Hurts”.
I am a fan of Nivea’s music, because she seems to have some artistic control, she has a strong pen game, a lovely voice and most importantly (for this blog entry at least), she wears her heart on her sleeve. She has her fun club songs, swagger and confidence songs, but she also has love songs that seem to express from the heart her emotions (check “Complicated” and “ILY”). This new track is no different. What strikes me about the song and particularly about the video is how fearless she is in confronting her imperfections, her indiscretions and her pain. By getting Lil’ Wayne (her ex and babyfather) to star in the video as her love interest, she’s vividly bringing to life her regret. There’s no subtext – only text. Personally I don’t know how wise it is to be so utterly open with your conflicted emotions and reliving your love found and lost for all to see, but it’s undeniably brave and makes for compelling reading and listening.
I remember when I started my course at uni and I told a couple of people that I had some of my music on myspace. One of them who went and listened to it said that he was really surprised how deep the lyrics were for someone of my age. I think part of it is to do with my upbringing, seeing my parents constantly battling, going back and forth between love and hate, raging arguments that occasionally got quite violent. As a child, it was a lot to handle and I don’t think that it’s something that ever leaves you, although I also readily acknowledge that many people go through a lot worse. But that was more than enough for me to handle. I think that being taught from an early age that “love is pain” is a realistic but not particularly healthy lesson to learn, and I often wonder how I ended up as seemingly well-adjusted as I have! *insert laughter here* I think that’s why I’ve often had tortured feelings for people I can’t have, why I blatantly have control issues (being conscious of power games), daddy issues and have emotionally attached myself to older, bad-boy style men, and why I was so nervous in starting my current relationship. It took me about a month and a half to really see and appreciate how lucky I am, how wonderful my boyfriend is and to learn just to breathe, take it easy and start to be open to him about my vulnerabilities, my flaws and all.
Who knows what will happen in the future? But right now, I am learning that although sometimes love does hurt and has hurt me in the past, it doesn’t always have to be that way. Love can lift you up, and should lift you up more than it tears you down. If I were either of my parents, I would have gotten divorced. But although as a child I prayed for that nightly at times, I am glad that they didn’t and I admire their strength of commitment even though I still wholeheartedly believe that if it were me, I wouldn’t have deemed it worth it to go through what they went through. But my parents’ relationship is not really any of my business – it’s between them and I can only complain when their shit affects me (which I do, when appropriate). When does the point come when you put yourself first, your sanity and your heart? Watching the above video, I wonder if Nivea has really started putting herself first or if she’s still in the midst of an emotional battle and a broken heart? It is compelling viewing and listening, but it also really makes me think and I wonder if heartbreak and anguish is something a singer has to go through in order to really be able to write heartfelt lyrics and lend vocal credence and soul to singing those lyrics. I guess that that’s why I had that feedback (and received comments on my lyrics and vocals throughout my singing ‘career’ to date) from my songs on myspace. To me, my lyrics can and will get deeper as I continue to write and record, and my voice is edgier and more soulful live than it is on record. (Those are my shortcomings with the technology, which is a constant work in progress!)
In short, I (like Nivea, I suppose) wear my heart on my sleeve, feel pain and am glad to be finally learning to appreciate love without the hurt that has come with it in the past, both in what I’ve experienced and also what I’ve learned from those surrounding me. I wonder if however, Nivea is torturing herself further by putting herself back in the situation with having Weezy in the video. For me, that reenactment would rip me apart inside. However she manages to keep it together, she’s a braver person than me and I salute that commitment to artistry and to baring one’s soul.
Normally I would have a question and answer session in this column, but today, today, will be a rant and general tips session. Mostly because I don’t have a question to answer, but also because this crazy lady shocked me today and I wondered why someone would think that the action was considered ok.
Social media, good stuff, right? I’m talking great stuff. I keep in touch with everyone on earth that I want to (and don’t want to). I’ve met some pretty awesome men to date and women to bond with via networks like myspace, facebook, and tweeting on the twitter. Until recently I even work for a company who focuses on leveraging social media for businesses. All and all, we view these tools as a good thing. Connecting is good!
Well, sometimes.
So, this woman sends me a note on Facebook re: your dad.
“Hi Jill,
I am sure that you probably don’t remember me, but I used to see your dad about 23 to 24 years ago. You were just little. It was when he lived in his aunts house on the east side of town. You have grown up! Anyway, just wanted to check to see how your dad is.
Take care,
Let’s go back 23-24 yrs in Jill’s world. I was six, my parents were married. Nice, right?
My reply, re: your dad:
“Hi Brenda,
Well … I certainly hope you weren’t seeing my dad 23-24 yrs ago because that would have meant you were seeing my dad while he was married to my mother.
My father is doing well, I’ll let him know you touched base.
her: “Well, actually they were going through their divorce at the time. It was in late 1986 and early 1987.”
OH! well, that makes its ok! Why would someone think that is cool? I mean seriously.
This isn’t a forum for me to discuss poor little Jill, child of divorce… maybe later . I post this only to ponder the thought of social media etiquette. Just because it’s so easy to touch base, to be heard, to communicate – where does one draw the line between sharing and, uh… over-communicating?
So, with the help of some friends, we put together our own list of social media etiquette tips and pointers, dos and don’ts, if you will:
1. Don’t write your ex-boyfriends daughter that you knew when she was six and you were dating her married father. (That’s mine.)
2. Don’t send a message intended for one person to the whole stream – most of us don’t really need to hear the response.
3. Share great stuff! If it’s awesome- share it. If it’s a teddy bear hug gift for VIP friends and you haven’t talked to the person you are sending it to since high school, rethink it, k?
4. Don’t say anything/post anything/link to anything you wouldn’t want your mom to see or your boss. They will find it – and this is what happens when they do.
5. Don’t lurk. You know you are out there. Lurkers sit on the edge of networks and watch (or stalk). If you’re going to be part of the community, participate! All your watching is giving us the eebie geebies.
6. Don’t start group, a blog, a cause, forum, etc. etc. if you don’t plan to keep it up. You’re wasting energy and clogging brains.
7. PLEASE don’t post “awesome to see you last night, you were WASTED!” on someone’s wall.
8. Just because you enjoy playing games on facebook doesn’t mean your entire list of friends does. Think before you click.
9. If all you do is plug yourself or your company, be prepared to be de-friended.
10. Don’t post incredibly personal and depressing status updates… these are ones I’ve read:
“My son just died in childbirth.”
“My grandpa is in a coma and has two weeks to live”
“I just found out that my boyfriend is cheating on me”
While we sympathize with these folks, the social networking sphere is not the medium to share this type of information, right?
Where does the line get drawn? I know you’ve got a rule for the list, add it in the comments!