February 25, 2010
Jim Campbell
Paul Ryan, was not the only member of the Republican Congress that came with facts and figures, to show the Americans watching what an entire fraud the plan is. To his credit, Obama appeared engaged and listened to him. Will that change anything, doubtful. This was designed as a major photo op for Obama and the democrats. Suffice to say it blue up in their faces. Any American that listened to the back and fourth, could only conclude the republicans had spent more time in effort on this bill and knew more about it than the supposed writers. The seven point which the Republicans brought to the table were agreed upon by both sides, would have resulted in a major overhaul in the private sector and correct the wrong with the current system needing righting.
Sadly, when it comes to all things Obama and the far left, it’s all about power, creating a vastly bigger Federal Government, with resultant more unionized Federal workers, ie. Democratic voters.

Paul Ryan Eats Liberals and Obama for Lunch
Nancy Pelosi’s assertions during her wrap up that there was no government funding for abortion, was just another Pelosi lie. Ditto for her claim that this bell must be passed immediately, It will create, 4 million, or 4 hundred new jobs. Link below on over all take on summit shoes this to be a lie as well. Random thoughts why more people aren’t ready to vote these frauds out as I’m in the upcoming November elections, JC.
[Via http://dancingczars.wordpress.com]
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